A Wednesday Word – Prompt for 6/22/11

I’m starting a new feature here called the A Wednesday Word. Here’s the deal: I post a word and its definition and you write a short-short story (under 500 words) and link to it in the comments section based on its meaning. You can even write something about what the word sounds like or–if you didn’t know the definition–what you thought it meant on first glance. And if I like your story the best, I’ll send you a handmade knitted bookmark and post your story on my blog. Pretty cool, huh?

This week’s Wednesday word is:


Dictionary.com Definition: Deserving or causing public disgrace or shame

Write about anything you want, just so long as it has to do with ignominiousness. The more creative the better and the better your chances of winning the bookmark and getting posted on the blog.

How to Participate 

Just in case it wasn’t clear, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Write a story under 500 words about the word of the day.
  2. Post it on your blog and link to it in the comments section here. If you don’t have a blog, post it directly in the comments.
  3. Submit by 6/29. The story I like the most will win a knitted bookmark that I’ll make just for you.

Sound good? Good! Now, get to writing!

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